Tuesday 27 October 2015

Spaghetti Squash with Mushroom Sauce [vegetarian]

spaghetti squash, mushroom sauce, mushrooms, porcini, vegetarian
I heard and read about spaghetti squash earlier and really wanted to check myself how it tasted, and if its flesh really looked like spaghetti. So when I finally managed to buy it, I was really excited. And because it just happened that in my garden there were lots of porcini mushrooms growing (I couldn’t believe it myself how many of them we had this year – please look at the photo below), I decided to make a mushroom sauce to serve it with.

After the squash was baked, I scrapped it with two forks and did indeed end up with strands. Ok, they were not really as long as spaghetti but did look like noodles. I served them just with the mushroom sauce and grated Parmesan but the whole dish tasted really delicious.

INGREDIENTS (for 3-4 portions*):

1 spaghetti squash (approx. 1kg),
500g mushrooms (champignons or wild mushrooms),
1 tbsp butter,
1 tbsp olive oil,
200ml vegetable stock,
2 tsp dry thyme,
200ml cream (30%),
salt and pepper
grated parmesan cheese to serve.

  1. Heat and oven to 180 Celsius degrees (fan oven).
  2. Wash the pumpkin, cut in half and with a spoon remove its seeds.
  3. Place the halves skin side up on a baking tray covered with aluminum foil and bake for 30-40 min until the skin is soft and can easily be pierced.
  4. Clean and slice the mushrooms.
  5. On a medium heat warm up the oil and butter, add the mushrooms, raise the temperature and fry for 3 minutes.
  6. Add the stock and on a medium heat cook everything for 5 minutes.
  7. Add the thyme, cream and seasoning and cook for 1-2 minutes longer.
  8. When the pumpkin is baked through, scrap its flesh with 2 forks to get noodle-like strands.
  9. Transfer the pumpkin to the frying pan with the sauce, stir it and adjust the seasoning. You probably will have to add quite a lot of salt and pepper, as the pumpkin has not been seasoned at all.
  10. Serve with grated Parmesan.
*This dish is quite filing. But if you are planning to make it for 4 very hungry people, you may want to serve a light soup at first. 

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