Wednesday 7 October 2015

Delicious Fruity Porridge

porridge, oats, health benefits, whole grains, healthy breakfast, health, healthy, recipes

Porridge is very healthy – how many times did we hear that when we were children, or how many times have we told this to our children ourselves? But do we really know why it is so healthy? Since I wasn’t sure myself, I decided to do a little research on oats myself.

Right at the beginning I have found out that by eating a bowl of porridge every day, people with high cholesterol can decrease its level by 8-23%, and as a result also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Additionally, oats contain fiber called beta-glucan that boosts the immune system’s response to bacterial infection which means that immune cells react faster and are more able to fight out many bacteria.

Eating oats (and other whole grains) from one hand lowers the risk of getting type 2 diabetes disease but from the other – it helps to keep changes of the blood sugar level under control for people who already suffer from this illness. It also decreases the risk of childhood asthma.

And finally (although I am sure not lastly) whole grain fiber helps in protecting woman against breast cancer: premenopausal woman whose daily intake of this type of fiber amounts to at least 13g, lower the risk of breast cancer by 41%.

Now, with all this newly garnered information I know that when I have my own porridge in the morning, I not only have a delicious breakfast but I also invest in my health at so many different levels :).

INGREDIENTS (for 1 portion):

4 tbsp rolled oat flakes (porridge oats),
0.25 cup water,
0.25 cup milk,
To serve: raspberries, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, walnut pieces, raisins, honey.

  1. Pour the water and flakes into a small pan, stir and bring to boil; add the milk and after everything boils again cook stirring for 5-8 minutes.
  2. Pour the porridge to a bowl and sprinkle with the berries, seeds, nuts and honey.
porridge, oats, health benefits, whole grains, healthy breakfast, health, healthy, recipes

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