Tuesday 2 February 2016

Leek and Potato Soup with Truffle Oil [vegetarian]

leek and potato soup, truffle oil, leek, potato, vegetarian

Although Leek and Potato Soup might be a classic in some countries, in Poland (or at least in the area I live) it is unknown. A few years ago we went to Italy for our skiing holiday. We reached our destination after two days of driving but since it was too early to go to our hotel, we found a busy, family type restaurant for lunch. And that was the place where I tried this soup for the first time.

Leek and Potato Soup is already delicious by itself but truffle oil really moves it up to quite another level. Although the below recipe obviously is not exactly the same as at that restaurant, the soup is as lovely as the one I had a few years ago. I have made it so many times since then and it is always greatly appreciated by everyone. It is important though to have a really high quality truffle oil: the one with truffle’s pieces rather than one with just its aroma.

INGREDIENTS (for 4-6 portions):

30g butter,
450g potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-3cm cubes,
450g white parts of leeks, sliced,
1 onion, cut into cubes,
850-1000ml vegetable stock (it can be made with this concentrated stock paste),
250ml milk,
salt and pepper,
truffle oil for serving.

  1. Melt the butter in a medium size pot.
  2. Add the potatoes, leek and onions, season and then stir well to coat in the butter.
  3. Scrape the sides of the pan with a spoon so all the vegetables are on the bottom, put a disc of grease-proof paper on top of them and cover the pot with a lid.
  4. Decrease the heat to medium low and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the paper, pour in 850ml of stock, bring to boil and cook for approx. 15 minutes or until the potatoes are soft.
  6. Liquidize the soup in batches and transfer to a cleaned pot.
  7. Add the milk, adjust the seasoning and bring to boil again. If the soup is too thick, add more of the stock.
  8. Serve the soup in bowls, drizzled with the truffle oil.

Based on BBC Good Food recipe

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