Thursday 9 July 2015

Potato Salad [vegetarian]

Potato, potato salad, potato salad recipe

I come from a country where potatoes have always been a staple food. In the past and even nowadays lots of Polish people – especially the older ones – couldn’t imagine having their portion of meat/fish for lunch or dinner without potatoes. I personally didn’t like potatoes for a long time so you can imagine how difficult it was for me to enjoy a meal-time, when I was a child.

Although there are many Polish recipes that use potatoes, I only had a chance to try potato salad when I was abroad. I liked it very much so straight away I started looking for a perfect Potato Salad Recipe. Since the beginning of my search I have tried many different potato salad recipes and I must admit the below one is really excellent and this has been confirmed many times by my family and guests: if I serve it along with a few other salads, this one would be finished the fastest!

INGREDIENTS (for 4-6 portions):
1.5kg new potatoes or salad potatoes, preferably equal size,*
1 tbsp Dijon mustard,
2 tbsp white wine vinegar,
3 tbsp olive oil,
1 red onion finely chopped,
4-5 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt and pepper.

  1. Wash the potatoes very well (if you prefer, you may scrub them); cut them into approx. 1 cm slices, put to a big pan and cover with boiling water; add 1 tsp salt and cook for 7-12 minutes till just (but not too) soft. Cooking time depends on potato’s type and size. To avoid overcooking, after approx. 7 minutes of cooking, check them frequently with a fork.
  2. Put to a small bowl the mustard, vinegar and olive oil, whisk everything together.
  3. Drain the potatoes, cool them for 5 minutes, add the dressing and chopped onion, mix gently** and leave for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Add the mayonnaise, season and mix gently**.
* If your potatoes are not equal, when you slice them try to cut them so the pieces will be more or less of the same size. This way you will also avoid the situation that some potatoes are over- and some undercooked.

** When you mix the salad, you have to do it very gently not to break the slices. I do it with my hands.

Potato, potato salad, potato salad recipe

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